Andre Drummond Working on Jumpshot

Via Andre Drummond’s Instagram account (@andredrummondd) he has been working on expanding his mid-range. Drummond has been working with Stanley Remy, an NBA Skills trainer. The videos can be seen below. Does Drummond have the ability to add a jump shot to his game?

Detroit’s Offensive Scheme and Why it isn’t Working

In celebration of the Sloan Sport Conference that just took place in Boston, now seems like the perfect time to take a deeper look at some statistics that have been introduced by the new, SportVU cameras that all of the NBA arenas are now equipped with. Firstly, what are these SportVU cameras? These cameras are…

Andre Drummond dominates BBVA Compass Rising Star game

On January 30th, I told my twitter followers Andre Drummond would dominate the Rising Stars game. He did exactly that, scoring 30 points and pulling down 25 rebounds while leading Team Hill to a 142-136 win. Most importantly, he will bringing the MVP award back to the Motor City; a broken one. BBVA Compass and COO…

Why Drummond deserved to be a All-Star

Many Pistons fans were upset this Thursday when 20 year old center Andre Drummond was not voted into the 2014 All-Star game in New Orleans. Many fans would call it a “fluke or even a “disgrace”. Most fans are angry, and they have every right to be. In the Eastern Conference, the center reserve turned out to…