Why do we still care?

When ever your home team is 24-37 why do you care? When your team has had locker room problems year after year, why do you care? That’s a great question isn’t it, why do we still care as Pistons fans?

Well first of all, it’s not because the Pistons give us hope. It’s not because they give us a quality product on the court. And it definitely not because of their success. So what is it?

I’ll tell you what it is. It’s that sweet taste of that 89, 90 and 2004 championship seasons. When we saw those guys play, we saw basketball players. They cared, and they wanted nothing more than a win day in and day out. To be honest, that’s the complete opposite of the team we have now. Even though we don’t want to except it, we have to. Yes this team is talented, but when it comes down to it, they aren’t winners. They are individuals. By that I mean they care more about their own images, and stats than getting the win. That’s not what a team is and that sure as hell isn’t what the Detroit Pistons are about.

We all care. No matter how many things have gone wrong this season, we will always care. But please know from fan to fan, this team doesn’t want to win.

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